All products are delivered electronically and payment is made online. These products are available only at this site.

PowerPoint Presentations
These are the PowerPoint files used for past briefings. The script is included with each PowerPoint file. There is also a link for a permissions letter that allows the use of this material without attribution for your personal, professional, or class work.

Change Analysis of Systems Integration Techniques
This briefing argues that standards related to Web services and XML make systems integration easier. The basis for the argument is force field analysis on the various integration techniques used over the years.

Non-Technical Change Issues Related to SOA
This continues the analysis started in the previous briefing. In that briefing, it was shown that standards related to Web services and XML make systems integration easier – as far as technical issues are concerned. As a result, non-technical change issues could have an increasing effect on whether on not shifting to an emphasis on services will be successful in your organization. This briefing explores such change issues.

XML Tagged Format Compared to Fixed Record Formats
The XML tagged format provides a level of resilience not available with fixed record formats. This briefing explains the brittleness of fixed record formats and how XML avoids this problem.
Visio Stencils
These stencils can be used to create diagrams similar to those found in the three presentations described above. They are based on the diagrams found in Web Services,Service-Oriented Architectures, and Cloud Computing: The Savvy Manager's Guide.

Force Field Analysis Visio Stencil
This stencil is designed to work with Visio 5, Visio 2000, and all later versions. Click here to see a larger image of the stencil.

Service-Oriented Architecture Visio Stencil
This stencil is designed to work with Visio 2002, and all later versions. Click here to see a larger image of the stencil.
These factbooks assist you in making an informed choice when selecting either an object DBMS or object-relational mapping product. The factbooks were originally published in 2001, but many of the features of the products covered in the factbooks have remained unchanged. Blank evaluation worksheets are also available. One option is to purchase both the completed factbook from 2001 and the evaluation worksheets. You can use the completed factbook data as a starting point for your current evaluation.

Object-Storage Fact Book: Object DBMSs
This Object Storage Fact Book contains 295 detailed comparison tables on 20 object database products. Click here for more information pn the Object DBMS Fact Book.
Word format.

Object-Storage Fact Book: Object-Relational Mapping
This Object Storage Fact Book contains 225 detailed comparison tables on 13 object-relational mapping products. Click here for more information on the Object-Relational Mapping Fact book.
Word format.
Implementation Stories

ODBMS Implementation Stories
The four sets of ODBMS Implementation Stories cover topics in applying object databases by showcasing practical implemented solutions. They detail the business requirements driving the use of ODBMSs, facts about the teams that fielded the applications, the ODBMS selection process used, useful ODBMS product features that were useful for each application, and deployment issues features determined to be critical for success. Click here for more information on the ODBMS Implementation Stories.
Douglas K Barry